
25.03.2016 - 25.03.2016

De Bijloke
Gent (B)

ChampdAction presents PARCOURS in Dialogues at De Bijloke. PARCOURS (2009) was the first co-operation between composer Annelies Van Parys and visual artist Anneleen De Causmaecker. The virtuoso performer is Jan Van Hoecke (Recorder).

Via Crucis - Cello Quartet

22.03.2016 - 22.03.2016

BOZAR, Brussels (B)

Klarafestival asked Annelies Van Parys to create a new contribution for cello quartet using the hymn Vexilla Regis from Via Crucis as a starting point. 

East, Scenography for a dance-solo by Arco Renz

15.03.2016 - 16.03.2016

Les Brigitinnes
Brussels (B)

What an amazing, obsessive show!
Drawing from fifteen years of creative experience between Europe and Asia, Arco Renz throws his body to create seemingly alien movements, yet part of our artistic and cultural background. 
EAST exposes and simultaneously shakes up the stereotyped portrayals of the differences between East and West. We are in another world, our body and soul engaged in a thrilling dialogue with the surrounding lights, the staging and the music played live.
The performance evolves inside a spheric installation by Lawrence Malstaf.

Les Brigittines - Tickets

Kobalt Works


10.03.2016 - 20.03.2016

Le Manège
Maubeuge (F)

Nevel a matrix of nine pivoting walls forms a labyrinth whose architecture continuously changes. A sequence of different compositions creates choreography of spaces flowing into one another. It is an auto choreographic space to wander and get lost in, like in a mutating city, to linger and surrender to the disorientation

Exposition Perceptions

And Thou Must Suffer

10.03.2016 - 12.03.2016

Kaaitheater, Brussels (B)

New Composition by Annelies Van Parys commissioned by Muziektheater Transparant for Klarafestival. A prologue and epilogue to Bach's St. John Passion.

Image: Wim Delvoye

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Kiki Smith honoured

29.02.2016 - 29.02.2016

International Sculpture Center
Hamilton, NJ (US)

Kiki Smith honoured with the International Sculpture Center’s Lifetime Achievement Award 2016.

The ISC's Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individual sculptors who have made exemplary contributions to the field of sculpture.

Peintures pour tous @MAC's

27.02.2016 - 22.05.2016

MAC's - Musée des Arts Contemporains au Grand-Hornu
Hornu (B)

Invited by MAC’s for a major exhibition dedicated to him, Jacques Charlier ironically responds with this advertising slogan: paintings for all! "Italian paintings", "fractal paintings" and "indescribable paintings" are the flagship titles of this jukebox-like exhibition. The aim? To show off their colours, and escape into this ‘radical eclecticism’ in the market, which artists who always use the same ‘tubes’ epitomise. A method? Caricature and pastiche which he administers in such a masterly fashion to the art world, like a spanking. His catchphrase? Spare the rod, spoil the child: because paintings enchant Charlier as much as they disillusion him.

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Catalogue Peinture pour Tous

27.02.2016 - 22.05.2016

Hornu (B)

Tentoonstellingscatalogus Jacques Charlier, Peintures pour tous.
Teksten van Denis Gielen, Laurent Busine en Sergio Bonati; gesprek met de kunstenaar. 
Kartonnen kaft, 27 x 21 cm, 96 pagina’s, 60 illustraties. 
ISBN 978-2-930368-65-8

Catalogue de l’exposition Jacques Charlier, Peintures pour tous.
Textes de Denis Gielen, Laurent Busine et Sergio Bonati, entretien avec l’artiste. 
Couverture cartonnée, format 27 x 21 cm, 96 pages, 60 illustrations.
ISBN 978-2-930368-65-8

MAC's, Hornu (B)



Berlin (D)

Henri Duparc's songs - 'Invitation au voyage', 'Phidylé' & 'Le manoir de Rosemonde' - arranged by Annelies Van Parys and performed by Oxalys Ensemble & Christianne Stotijn, mezzo-soprano.

Konzerthaus Berlin

46°41'58.365" LAT. -91°59'49.0128" LONG. @ 30M

17.02.2016 - 02.04.2016

Toronto (CA)

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m by David Bowen refers to the source location where the water surface data was collected for this series. An autonomous aerial vehicle hovering 30 meters above the surface of Lake Superior scanned the water. For this series of five, the vehicle was deployed to the same location on different days and in different weather conditions. The collected data was used to carve a series of cylindrical three-dimensional models in clear acrylic with a CNC router. This process captured the dynamic movements of the waves and ripples from a specific time and location and suspended this ever-changing water pattern into a static transparent form.


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