20.05.2016 - 30.11.2016

Kunsthal Grenland / Nikolaj Kunsthall / Forum Box
Porsgrunn (NO) / Copenhagen (DK) / Helsinki (FI)

Lawrence Malstaf his proposal FOLDING stems from a research project on traditional origami techniques and contemporary 3D modeling software and explores the borderline between representation and abstraction. The aim is to accumulate a series of full scale kinetic sculptures based on 3D scans of the exhibition visitors. The sculptures expand and shrink according to motion patterns of the public in the space. Thus the visitors are reanimating the abstracted models of earlier visitors and create a responsive choir of breathing avatars. A metaphor for the blurring boundaries between animate nature and inanimate simulation and modeling technology.

Hybrid Matters - Production Grant

Hybrid Matters - Touring Exhibition

- 19 March - 8 May 2016: Kunsthal Grenland, Porsgrunn (NO)
- 20 May - 31 July 2016: Nikolaj Kunsthall, Copenhagen (DK)
- 24 November - 18 December 2016: Forum Box, Helsinki (FI) 

David Bowen at The Mattress Factory

20.05.2016 - 12.02.2017

The Mattress Factory Museum of Contemporary Art
Factory Installed @ 1414 Monterey Street, Pittsburgh (US)

The twigs in the SPACEJUNK installation by David Bowen point in unison in the direction of the oldest piece of human made space debris currently above the horizon. The debris being tracked are spent rocket bodies, parts from broken satellites and wayward tools launched in missions as far back as 1959. When the piece of debris being tracked drops below the installation’s horizon the twigs go to a rested downward pointing position an await the next debris to appear. The composition of the installation is continually changing as it tracks the oldest discarded objects orbiting the earth that enter its point of view.

The Mattress Factory

Hermann Nitsch - Ritual

14.05.2016 - 04.02.2017

nitsch museum
Mistelbach (AT)

The exhibition HERMANN NITSCH – RITUAL at the nitsch museum in Mistelbach (AT) focusses on the signification of rituals in religion and art in the work of Hermann Nitsch. 

The yearly 'Pfingstfest' takes place at Schloss Prinzendorf (AT) on Pentecost Sunday 15 May 2016 and starts at 13:00.

Hermann Nitsch

Nitsch Foundation

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Mirror & Shrink at SPOR Festival

12.05.2016 - 15.04.2016

SPOR Festival
Aarhus (DK)

Mirror 02002: A dark room with a large vibrating mirror deforms the reflection of the visitor. At first the vibrations are so subtle that you might wonder if it are your own eyes that are having trouble to focus. But gradually it becomes more obvious that the mirror is actually moving and mutating the mirror image into a Francis Bacon portrait. Yet the visual impression is so real that some people feel the urge to check if their body is actually decomposing or not. In the end the body evaporates and disappears.

Shrink 01995: Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body (in this case the artist himself) vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces allows the person inside the installation to regulate the flow of air. As a result of the increasing pressure between the plastic sheets, the surface of the packed body gradually freezes into multiple micro-folds. For the duration of the performance the person inside moves slowly and changes positions, which vary from an almost embryonic position to one resembling a crucified body.

SPOR Festival

Event Horizon at Mapping Festival

28.04.2016 - 08.05.2016

Mapping Festival
Geneva (CH)

In the installation Event Horizon, dust particles are suspended in a beam of light that is slowly scanning a dark room. Visitors are invited to wear a protective gas mask and, thus made conscious of their own breath, witness the silent complexity of matter with millions of fragments forming a temporary micro-universe. Matter is taking centre stage, dancing in the light and airstreams of the black box, with remote sounds of human masses and activity filling the otherwise empty room.

With environmental challenges, population growth and our ever-expanding needs in mind, the Malstaf brothers sought a way to zoom out and contemplate our temporary existence on spaceship Earth. The aim: "Making a work with a minimum amount of material and the biggest possible spatial impact."

Mapping Festival

Opera - Private View

26.04.2016 - 29.04.2016

Premièred at Opera XXI
On tour in Europe

Annelies Van Parys, one of the resident composers at Muziektheater Transparant, writes Private View, her first opera, for the Opera XXI festival.

Following her composition for the successful production Ruhe, performed by Collegium Vocale Gent, and the impressive Een Oresteia, she is continuing her artistic course in musical theatre. 
Private View confronts us with the ambiguity of watching and being watched, an issue that seems more relevant today than in the past: Big Brother is watching you, more than ever.

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22.04.2016 - 23.04.2016

BIT Teatergarasjen
Bergen (NO)

MELTING is an investigation of various questions related to the scientific, economic and psychological reasons for, and consequences of, our presumed current climate crisis.

BIT Teatergarasjen

Lawrence Malstaf

Amund Sjølie Sveen


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07.04.2016 - 17.04.2016

Maison des Arts
Créteil (F)

Nevel a matrix of nine pivoting walls forms a labyrinth whose architecture continuously changes. A sequence of different compositions creates choreography of spaces flowing into one another. It is an auto choreographic space to wander and get lost in, like in a mutating city, to linger and surrender to the disorientation.

Exposition Perceptions

Black Box at STRP SCENE #1

01.04.2016 - 01.03.2016

Eindhoven (NL)

STRP SCENE #1 - Society of the Senses

Black Box by Christoph De Boeck is a wooden object with a cut-out in its base made to fit your head. The object becomes an interface: eight contact points transfer audio onto your skull. You will hear how the space surrounding you invades your head even when you cover your ears. Gradually all concrete aspects are removed until all that is left is a click that dances across the inner side of your skull.

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25.03.2016 - 25.03.2016

De Bijloke
Gent (B)

ChampdAction presents PARCOURS in Dialogues at De Bijloke. PARCOURS (2009) was the first co-operation between composer Annelies Van Parys and visual artist Anneleen De Causmaecker. The virtuoso performer is Jan Van Hoecke (Recorder).