05.10.2016 - 16.11.2016

De Brakke Grond - Schouwburg Kortrijk - Kunstencentrum Vooruit
Amsterdam (NL) - Kortrijk (B) - Gent (B)

What an amazing, obsessive show!
Drawing from fifteen years of creative experience between Europe and Asia, Arco Renz throws his body to create seemingly alien movements, yet part of our artistic and cultural background. 
EAST exposes and simultaneously shakes up the stereotyped portrayals of the differences between East and West. We are in another world, our body and soul engaged in a thrilling dialogue with the surrounding lights, the staging and the music played live.
The performance evolves inside 'Spheres', an installation by Lawrence Malstaf.

Kobalt Works EAST

De Brakke Grond

Schouwburg Kortrijk


Britt Hatzius - Blind Cinema

28.09.2016 - 30.09.2016

STUK Start - Cinema ZED
Leuven (B)

In the darkness of a cinema space, the audience sits blindfolded. Behind each row of audience members is a row of children who in hushed voices describe a film only they can see. Accompanied by the soundtrack, the whispered descriptions are a fragile, fragmentary and at times struggling but courageous attempt by the children to make sense of what they see projected on the screen for the first time. Blind Cinema makes us aware of the possibilities and limits of language and our imagination.

Each night, the film is performed by a new group of children between 9 and 11 years old. In focusing on that which lies beyond the sense of sight, the attention oscillates between one’s own mind’s eye, guided by the whispering voice, and the shared physical space of the darkened cinema.

In collaboration with Artforum 



20.09.2016 - 22.09.2016

ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Karlsruhe (D)

tele-present water by David Bowen is included in CODE-n at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (D)

Jacques Charlier

16.09.2016 - 25.09.2016

Metro Parc, Brussels (B)

The Brussels' underground is celebrating its 40th birthday with the first arts festival underground: Wunderground. Jacques Charlier is invited to occupy Metro Parc with posters and images from his mise-en-scènes that give an exceptional overview of more than 30 years of the artist's activity.

Eco Expanded City

01.09.2016 - 31.10.2016

WRO Center
Koszyki Hall, Warsaw (PL)

Eco Expanded City is an exhibition-cum-workshop project, combining a series of shows and events, exploring imagined and real, past, historical and potential relationships among society, art, nature and technology as they are rendered in artistic and design practices, revealing their mutual interpenetrations and interdependences.

telepresent water by David Bowen is featured in Eco Expanded City, a group exhibition organized by WRO Center and taking place at Koszyki Hall, Warsaw.

Cosmos - Project Daejeon 2016

26.07.2016 - 20.11.2016

Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon
South Korea

The theme of Project Daejeon 2016 is COSMOS. The quest for the origins of life in the universe has inspired many artists. Project Daejeon 2016 has an ambition to break with the stereotypical view of the world and humanity and wishes to give a deeper insight into art and science through various collaborations.

Event Horizon: Dust particles are suspended in a light beam which is slowly scanning a dark room. Visitors can enter wearing a protective gas mask and witness the silent complexity of matter with millions of fragments forming a temporary micro universe. Remote sounds of human masses and activity fill the otherwise empty room.

MU - 'Weather or Not' group exhibition

01.07.2016 - 25.09.2016

Torenallee 40-06 (Strijp-S), Eindhoven (NL)

Sun, wind and rain enter the exhibition space in unexpected, poetic ways. Measurements and weather in uences are translated into images, movement and sound. The weather becomes something more personal, more tangible. As our amazement grows, so does the feeling of human insigni dance versus the complexity and unpredictability of the climate system: we set things in motion but we clearly can’t oversee the consequences. Meanwhile, come rain or shine, MU continues to keep a weather eye on any relevant developments!

Weather or Not

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Premiere 'State & Ecstasy'


Harstad (NO)

'State & Ecstasy' is a performance with dance, installation, music, poetry: five artists dig into collectivity, both politically and existentially. The result is a subjective and beautiful examination of individualisation and freedom, and a fervent desire - both in art and politics - to achieve a collective ecstasy.

With Amund Sjølie Sveen, Lawrence Malstaf, Jon Tombre, Liv Hanne Haugen and Tale Næss.

FINN, Harstad (NO)


21.05.2016 - 22.05.2016

Operadagen Rotterdam - Operawandeling
Garage Rotterdam (NL)

The upheaval after the Great War in an interactive performance. Sound rises from the earth: rustling, murmuring… echoes of battle, but also voices and snatches of music. As visitors move through this installation, the sounds retreat. Wherever humans go, the music hushes to a murmur. This interactive sound installation, created by Anneleen de CausmaeckerAnnelies Van Parys and Peter Verhelst, is brought to life by the live performance of Els Mondelaers. 

Operadagen Rotterdam

Wesendonck Lieder Heute - Het Geluid Maastricht

21.05.2016 - 22.05.2016

Operadagen Rotterdam - Operawandeling
Garage Rotterdam (NL)

Het Geluid Maastricht gives for the avant- premiere of Wesendonck Lieder Heute,  in collaboration with composer Annelies Van Parys, a contemporary vision of the songs by Wagner.

Operadagen Rotterdam