Round Table: Sound in Visual Art

28.06.2017 - 28.06.2017

CENTRALE for Contemporary Art
Brussels (B)

CENTRALE for contemporary art and OVERTOON, Brussels platform for sound art, kindly invite you for the round table event Sound in Visual Art

An international panel of experts will gather to debate sound in visual art. Over the recent years we have observed a revived dynamic in the role of sound throughout a variety of visual art work. In the course of an afternoon we want to take a closer look at this hybrid field with interventions by curators and artists who have affinities with the dimension of sound in art. 

The round table is an event in the context of the exhibition Où sont les sons? Where Are Sounds? curated by Nicole Gingras, with the support of Kunstenpunt

The event will be held in English.

Free entrance, registration required:
T. +32 (0)2 279 64 52 -

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Het Kanaal - Première

13.05.2017 - 13.05.2017

Operadagen Rotterdam
Rotterdam (NL)

On a beach near Calais a young refugee prepares himself to swim across the Channel, towards his new future. 
The new text by author Gaea Schoeters is mirrored by recently recovered Shakespeare-text. Composer Annelies Van Parys uses the Shakespeare-text as a libretto for a cycle of songs, which set the refugee theme in a historical perspective. 
Scenography by Anneleen De Causmaecker.

Tickets: Operadagen Rotterdam

Muziektheater Transparant
Queer Arts Festival
Het Geluid Maastricht
Operadagen Rotterdam

D'Days Paris

02.05.2017 - 14.05.2017

Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Paris (F)

'Submersion : Exploration en eaux profondes' with 46º41'58.365" lat. -91º59'49.0128" long. @ 30m  by David Bowen at D'Days, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris (F)


28.04.2017 - 07.05.2017

Strasbourg (F

Conversations & Sandbible by Lawrence Malstaf are part of the parcours artistique at L'Ososphère in Strasbourg (F)

Nachtelijk Symposium

19.04.2017 - 02.06.2017

KVS & On Tour
Brussels, Mechelen, Antwerpen, Gent (B)

Mesut Arslan, Platform 0090 & KVS.

Mesut Arslan places the actors and the text in artist Lawrence Malstaf’s installation of spinning tops. The audience is gathered around an open arena in which not only the tops, but also the characters, start revolving around each other. In this way the director sets the inner identity of a family and the surrounding audience in motion. 

Lawrence Malstaf

Où sont les sons? / Where are sounds?

19.04.2017 - 10.09.2017

Centrale for Contemporary Art
Brussels (B)

Where Are Sounds? is an exhibition put together by Nicole Gingras, an independent curator interested in the links between sound and image, and in listening as a means of relating to the world. With regard to this exhibition, the curator comments: “Where are sounds? Where are they going? This double question, so simple at first sight, reveals several essential aspects specific to listening, including the predispositions of listeners at all sound events. The exhibition also allows us to examine the ways in which sounds manifest themselves and travel through a given site, in public places or during our daily wanderings. Several artists have explored these issues. Some work in sound, probing the intensity of sonic masses, while others are interested in noise or aural traces; still others focus on silence, the near-inaudible or imperceptible. Finally, some convert a sound phenomenon into an object, a sculpture or temporal experience. Where Are Sounds? suggests that it is not only possible to hear a sound, but also to see it, touch it, be pervaded by it.”

With Christoph De Boeck (B), Raymond Gervais (CA), Aernoudt Jacobs (B), Anne-Françoise Jacques (CA), Rolf Julius (D), Yann Leguay (F/B) et Gaétan Rusquet (B), Bernhard Leitner (AT), Lawrence Malstaf (B/NO), Dominique Petitgand (F), Martin Tétreault (CA) and dieb13 (AT), Davide Tidoni (IT/B), Katerina Undo (GR/B). 

Centrale for Contemporary Art

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Plan Your Art Trip to Brussels

19.04.2017 - 26.04.2017

Brussels (B)
Various locations

Plan your art visit to Brussels between 19 and 26 April 2017 and discover a contemporary art programme with exhibitions, art fairs, performances and events. 

Download our art plan here and combine your visit to WIELS, Art Brussels, Independent & Poppositions with the exhibition Où sont les sons? Where Are Sounds? at CENTRALE for Contemporary Art, the installation Heliophone by Aernoudt Jacobs at Musical Instruments Museum and the performance Nachtelijk Symposium at KVS.

Enjoy your art trip to Brussels!

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Où sont les sons? Where Are Sounds? - Extra Muros

19.04.2017 - 02.07.2017

Musical Instruments Museum
Brussles (B)

Heliophone by Aernoudt Jacobs is a sound work in which a tone is continually modulated according to the intensity of sunlight. 

Musical Instruments Museum


07.04.2017 - 14.08.2017

Dox, Centre for Contemporary Art
Prague (CZ)

tele-present water  by David Bowen is featured in Big Bang DataThis installation draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. 

DOX Prague
David Bowen

nuitnumérique #14 kinestezi

11.03.2017 - 24.05.2017

Saint-Ex - Centre Culturel Numérique
Reims (F)

Compass, 02005 is an orientation machine to wear around your waist. It directs you left and right while walking. It guides you through virtual corridors, rooms and doors programmed in the physical exhibition space, or any location. The apparatus imposes an attraction or repulsion on your waist, like you are in a magnetic field. You can explore this environment and discover a tactile architecture. The machine is programmed to make you follow an invisible map but you can choose between resisting to the machine or giving in and letting yourself be guided.

Saint-Ex Reims