EXHAUST at Transart Festival Bolzano


Transart Festival
Bolzano (IT)

EXHAUST by A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck is all about the execution of an internal combustion engine: over-revving a truck engine in a public space until it blows up.

While some slash car tires and some block motorways, the visual artist and theatre producer Kris Verdonck simply destroys the combustion engine. The audience is invited to join a large procession and attend the morbid spectacle of a medieval execution. Once the charges have been read, the judgement will be enforced collectively and the monstrosity of the engine, the very symbol of progress in the twentieth century, will be destroyed in a spectacular explosion.

Less is more! Progress is not endless growth. Instead of sacrificing the planet, let us sacrifice the combustion engine!




Montreal, Quebec (CA)

Martin Messier's 1 drop 1000 years is an immersive audiovisual performance, portraying the critical yet fragile role of the thermohaline circulation system. Using advanced technology, Messier captures the essence of global currents, emphasizing their delicate balance and the urgent human impact on climate regulation.

Martin Messier
MUTEK Montréal

Cycles at MUTEK

20.08.2024 - 25.08.2023

Montreal, Quebec (CA)

Cycles is an installation where everyone is invited to become aware of the relationships linking cyclical and unpredictable phenomena. These dialogues are also found in the sound space: the tuned engines envelop the music diffused with their elusive timbres and draw this landscape in which the harmony is built as much by its power as by its vulnerability. 

Martin Messier
MUTEK Montréal

SHRINK 01995 at NOVUM Newcastle Summer Festival

08.08.2024 - 11.08.2024

NOVUM 2024
Newcastle (UK)

SHRINK 01995 - Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces allows the person inside the installation to regulate the flow of air. As a result of the increasing pressure between the plastic sheets, the surface of the packed body gradually freezes into multiple micro-folds. For the duration of the performance the person inside moves slowly and changes positions, which vary from an almost embryonic position to one resembling a crucified body.

At NOVUM Newcastle Summer Festival there will be 4 Shrinks and the bodies of 4 performers.

Photography by Martin Argyroglo at Nuit Blanche Paris 2023.

Lawrence Malstaf
NOVUM Newcastle Summer Festival

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m

01.08.2024 - 01.07.2025

Light Art Museum Budapest
Budapest (HU)

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m  refers to the source location where the water surface data was collected for this series. An autonomous aerial vehicle hovering 30 meters above Lake Superior captured still images of the water’s surface. For this series of five, the vehicle was deployed to the same location on different days and in different weather conditions. The collected images were converted into three-dimensional models using open source software. The models were then carved with a CNC router into a series of clear acrylic cylinders. This process captured the dynamic movements of the waves and ripples from a specific time and location and suspended this ever-changing water pattern into a static transparent form. 

David Bowen
Light Art Museum Budapest

SHRINK 01995 at Baltoscandal 2024


Rakvere (EST)

SHRINK 01995 - Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces allows the person inside the installation to regulate the flow of air. As a result of the increasing pressure between the plastic sheets, the surface of the packed body gradually freezes into multiple micro-folds. For the duration of the performance the person inside moves slowly and changes positions, which vary from an almost embryonic position to one resembling a crucified body.

At Baltoscandal  2024 there will be 3 Shrinks and the bodies of 3 performers.

Photography by Martin Argyroglo at Nuit Blanche Paris 2023.

Lawrence Malstaf
Baltoscandal  2024

Abundance - Première


Festspillene i Nord Norge
Hartstad (NO)

Abundance is a project that challenges the consumer society by finding a new value in what we regard as waste.

Inspired by our ancestors we started gathering and foraging, along the snowy roads in the north of Norway. We found thousands of broken polypropylene sticks that usually mark the edge of the road in winter.
In this immersive performance visitors are introduced to two machines that shred and melt the broken sticks into new curly red ribbons and strings. With this new building material the visitors weave a large three dimensional network through the space in a collective process.  

Along with three dancers, several guests join the evening and share controversial stories on rewilding and ownership of nature. 

Performance - installation by Lawrence Malstaf and Liv Hanne Haugen (dancer, singer) in collaboration with Rosa Los & Liel Fibak (installation / performance assistants) and the neighbours of The Radio Forest. With support of Tromsø Kommune.

Lawrence Malstaf
Festspillene i Nord Norge



Wiener Festwochen
Vienna (AT)

EXHAUST by A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck is all about the execution of an internal combustion engine: over-revving a truck engine in a public space until it blows up.

While some slash car tires and some block motorways, the visual artist and theatre producer Kris Verdonck simply destroys the combustion engine. The audience is invited to join a large procession through Vienna (starting point: House of the Republic) and attend the morbid spectacle of a medieval execution. Once the charges have been read, the judgement will be enforced collectively and the monstrosity of the engine, the very symbol of progress in the twentieth century, will be destroyed in a spectacular explosion. Following Sophocles’ tragedy Ajax, where the hero errs and is deluded by the gods to kill the wrong enemy, Ajax (Exhaust) proclaims: Less is more! Progress is not endless growth. Instead of sacrificing the planet, let us sacrifice the combustion engine!

Wiener Festwochen

EXHALE 01998 - 02004

06.06.2024 - 12.06.2024

Saint-Ex, Culture numérique
Reims (F)

A large inflatable fills the room and  slowly transforms into different abstract shapes. Like an enlarged deep sea creature it slowly and quietly contracts and expands into different corners of the space.  

EXHALE  starts from a movement we all share: breathing. This process of inhaling and exhaling as an expression of our physical and mental states is in constant change and usually unconscious. Yet it can also be a portal to control psychosomatic phenomena like stress and anxiety. Breath connects mind and body, the yogi said a 1000 years ago. However in these eco-calyptic times where fear is the best selling currency, science tell us about earlier mass extinctions and the cycles of life in our earthly atmosphere. With scientific prose on the origins and evolution of life on the planet Tellus, written by Norwegian writer-biologist Vibeke Thorp. 

Lawrence Malstaf 

Akoetrope at Fiber Festival - Neighbouring Frequencies

02.06.2024 - 02.06.2024

De Brakke Grond
Amsterdam (NL)

Aernoudt Jacobs presents the Dutch premiere of “Akoetrope”. A unique and self-developed rotating sound machine, which is both an intuitive device and scientific strategy for understanding the persistence of sound cognition. The device is freely inspired from the Phénakisticope/Zoetrope devices that were invented around 1833 that use the phenomenon of iconic memory (or persistence of vision) to create a moving image in the human brain. 

In the sonic domain we can find a relatively similar phenomenon called ‘echoic memory’ – sounds which resonate in the mind and are replayed for a brief amount of time shortly after being heard. Both phenomena rely on short term sensory memory information that lingers on the threshold between perceiving and remembering.

Other featured performance artists: Maria Komarova, Amos Peled, Suzan Peeters, Myra-Ida van der Veen

FIBER Festival