Lawrence Malstaf - Nemo Observatorium 2002

News & Agenda December 2023


Laura Colmenares Guerra at Galerie Elektra, Montréal - Barthélemy Antoine-Loeff at Stereolux, Nantes - Annelies Van Parys at Concertgebouw Amsterdam - Laura Colmenares Guerra & Lawrence Malstaf in CAPTURE #2 at Le Pavillon, Namur

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© Alexandra Petracchi

Barthélemy Antoine-Loeff - Solo exhibition at Stereolux Nantes (F)


L'horizon de événements from 29 November until 17 December 2023 at Stereolux.

Ça raconte des histoires de fractures, d’Hommes, de frontières, une poussière qui ne retombe pas.
Et le refus de voir fondre le monde. 
Vanessa Bell

Impetuous, we sought to tame the infinite, to dominate time, to shape space to our image, to control the climate.

Our glaciers are disappearing. Their imminent end threatens the balance of the Earth system as we know it and our lives. New Climate Regimes are taking hold. Rather than leading us to slow down, to adopt the long timeframe of glaciers, these New Climate Regimes have introduced a strange hope: the exploitation of hitherto inaccessible resources and new commercial opportunities offered by technosolutionism.

The event horizon marks the immaterial boundary at the entrance to the black hole. It would therefore be this "physical limit" that must not be crossed if we are not to disappear. It's only a short step from there to extending it to other physical limits, our planetary limits, as the horizon seems to be made up of these tipping points that fall one after the other at the speed of light.

In his exhibition, artist & éleveur d’icebergs Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff presents a body of work that acts as a narrative to alert us to the current situation and to try to grasp the event horizon.

Curated by Mathieu Vabre

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Laura Colmenares Guerra - ECDYSIS

News & Agenda November 2023


Laura Colmenares Guerra at Galerie Elektra, Montréal (CA) - Lawrence Malstaf in Post-Umano L’ulteriorità, Torino (IT) - Martin Messier at FIAV, Casablanca (MA) & Hexagone Scène National Arts Sciences, Meylan (F) - Barthélemy Antoine Loeff at Stereolux, Nantes (F) - David Bowen at festival accès)s( #23, Billère (F) - Annelies Van Parys, Tsunami by Sonoro Quartet on tour -  Kris Verdonck, BRASS #2 with a new sound work by Maxime Denuc - Laura Colmenares Guerra & Lawrence Malstaf in CAPTURE #2, Le Pavillon, Namur (B)

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© Martin Messier - Cycles (photo: Tom-Lou Malaurie)

Artists at KIKK Festival Namur (B)


"Ce qui disparait se transforme immédiatement en éternité" by Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff in collaboration with Antoine Meissonnier - Cycles by Martin Messier -  Ríos Trilogy  by Laura Colmenares Guerra - Nemo Observatorium 02002 by Lawrence Malstaf

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Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff - Ce qui disparait se transforme immédiatement en éternité, 2021

News & Agenda October 2023


David Bowen with tele-present wind at festival accès)s( #23 - David Bowen with plant machete at Festival X - Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff with Ce qui disparait se transforme immédiatement en éternité,at KIKK Festival - Laura Colmenares Guerra with  Ríos Trilogy at Le Pavillon - Lawrence Malstaf with Nemo Observatorium 02002 at Le Pavillon - Lawrence Malstaf with EXHALE / PUST at KOREDA dansefestival - Annelies Van Parys with Boze Bejaarden at De Grote Post - Annelies Van Parys Tsunami by Sonoro Quartet - Annelies van Parys Mew Poems at Espace Senghor

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News & Agenda September 2023


EXTRACTIONS 23 at A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck - David Bowen at  SCOPITONE 2023 - Lawrence Malstaf at L.E.V. Festival, Matadero Madrid - Lawrence Malstaf in CAPTURE #2 at Le Pavillon - Laura Colmenares Guerra in CAPTURE #2 at Le Pavillon

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Laura Colmenares Guerra - REVERSE (video still)

Summer 2023 & What to look forward to this September


Laura Colmenares Guerra in Echos from the Future (virtual exhibition) at MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan (CAN)  - Lawrence Malstaf in I love seagulls! at Tromsø Kunstforening (NO) - Lawrence Malstaf in Topologies of the Real at MoCAUP, Shenzhen (CN) - EXTRACTIONS 23 at A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck, Brussels (B) - David Bowen at Scopitone 2023, Nantes (F) - Laura Colmenares Guerra & Lawrence Malstaf at Le Pavillon, Namur  (B) - Lawrence Malstaf at L.E.V. Matadero - Annelies Van Parys with Eco... del vuoto on Apple Music Classical - Shades of Light by Annelies Van Parys selected for 2023 ISCM World New Music Days in South Africa

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Lawrence Malstaf - SHRINK 01995

News & Agenda June 2023


Lawrence Malstaf SHRINK 01995 at Nuit Blanche Paris - Alex Verhaest SOCIETY in Grenoble / Paris / Valencia - Aernoudt Jacobs What Dogs Hear at Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana - David Bowen tele-present wind at Kapelica Gallery - David Bowen outsourced narcissism at Joseph Nease Gallery - Laura Colmenares Guerra Ríos Trilogy release at KULT XL Ateliers -  Lawrence Malstaf OVERVIEW 02016 in Topologies of the Real 

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Laura Colmenares Guerra - Ríos Trilogy

News & Agenda May 2023


Laura Colmenares Guerra Ríos Trilogy release - Alex VerhaesNo myths for these countries of the mind at Dauwens & Beernaert - Barthélemy Antoine-Loeff Tipping Point  at Bleue 3ième édition - Lawrence Malstaf OVERVIEW 02016 in Topologies of the Real - David Bowen tele-present wind at Kapelica Gallery - Kris Verdonck & Annelies Van Parys PREY - Lawrence Malstaf Tromsø Observatorium 02023 - 02024

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Aernoudt Jacobs, Glass Vibration Gaze

News & Agenda April 2023


Aernoudt Jacobs at Rewire Festival 2023, The Hague (NL) - Barthélemy Antoine-Loeff in festival des arts numériques Rêveries, Beauvais (F) - David Bowen at Kapelica gallery, Ljubljana (SLO) - Lawrence Malstaf in Topologies of the Real, MoCAUP, Shenzhen (CN)

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