David Bowen

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m

01.08.2024 - 01.07.2025

Light Art Museum Budapest
Budapest (HU)

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m  refers to the source location where the water surface data was collected for this series. An autonomous aerial vehicle hovering 30 meters above Lake Superior captured still images of the water’s surface. For this series of five, the vehicle was deployed to the same location on different days and in different weather conditions. The collected images were converted into three-dimensional models using open source software. The models were then carved with a CNC router into a series of clear acrylic cylinders. This process captured the dynamic movements of the waves and ripples from a specific time and location and suspended this ever-changing water pattern into a static transparent form. 

David Bowen
Light Art Museum Budapest

tele-present wind

07.03.2024 - 31.03.2024

Zagreb (Croatia)

tele-present wind by David Bowen consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

The sensor is installed in an outdoor location adjacent to the Visualization and Digital Imaging Lab at the University of Minnesota. Thus the individual components of the installation moved in unison as they mimicked the direction and intensity of the wind halfway around the world. As it monitored and collected real-time data from this remote and distant location, the system relayed a physical representation of the dynamic and fluid environmental conditions.


The Dark Rooms vertical

18.01.2024 - 04.02.2024

secret location
Berlin (D)

tele-present wind - This installation consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

The Dark Rooms Vertical
David Bowen

tele-present wind

04.10.2023 - 25.11.2023

festival accès)s( #23 - From Solastalgia
Pau (F)

tele-present wind by David Bowen - This installation consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

festival accès)s( #23
David Bowen

plant machete

06.10.2023 - 08.10.2023

Festival X
Concrete, Alserkal Avenue, Dubai, UAE

David Bowen - plant machete

This installation enables a live plant to control a machete. plant machete has a control system that reads and utilizes the electrical noises found in a live philodendron. The system uses an open source micro-controller connected to the plant to read varying resistance signals across the plant’s leaves. Using custom software, these signals are mapped in real-time to the movements of the joints of the industrial robot holding a machete. In this way, the movements of the machete are determined based on input from the plant. Essentially the plant is the brain of the robot controlling the machete determining how it swings, jabs, slices and interacts in space.

Festival X

tele-present water at Scopitone 2023

14.09.2023 - 17.09.2023

Stereolux /Beaux-Arts Nantes Saint Nazaire
Nantes (F)

tele-present water This installation draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. Wave data is being collected and updated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data buoy station 51003. This station was originally moored 205 nautical miles Southwest of Honolulu on the Pacific. It went adrift and the last report from its moored position was around 04/25/2011.  It is still transmitting valid observation data but its exact location is unknown. The wave intensity and frequency collected from the buoy is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure, resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant unknown location. This work physically replicates a remote experience and makes observation of the activity of an isolated object, otherwise lost at sea, possible through direct communication.

David Bowen


22.04.2023 - 17.06.2023

Joseph Nease Gallery
Duluth, Minnesota

outsourced narcissism consists of a computer, a robotic arm with a camera attached and a mirror mounted to the wall. The computer is running a custom trained artificial intelligence object detection neural network at the same time it controls the movements of the robot. The AI model is being trained to recognize the robot thus the robot looks in the mirror with its camera attempts to recognize itself. If it does, the computer draws an annotation box around the image of the robot with the label of “me”. When the box is drawn, the robot moves in relation to where the box is located within its field of view. The box has a percentage of certainty that shows how sure the artificial intelligence model is that it sees itself. If the level of certainty is above 85% the system will take and post a selfie on its personal Instagram account @outsourced_narcissism. The system saves the images it collects and automatically uses them to retrain the artificial intelligence model conceivably making the robot more and more proficient at identifying and posting images. In this way, the robot’s increasing self-awareness enables it to continually look for, attempt to identify and post images of itself.

David Bowen
Joseph Nease Gallery

tele-present wind

18.04.2023 - 07.06.2023

Kapelica Gallery
Ljublana (SLO)

At first glance, tele-present wind (2018)  by David Bowen could be perceived as a plant-like oddity composed of 126 dried plant branches mounted on metal rods. This undulating symphony is actually orchestrated by the wind’s blow, the intensity of which is captured via anemometers located in Minnesota, USA. This reconstituted mini-forest, acting as the promise of a somewhat disturbing mechanical future, rises and sways in unison, giving the scene a strange aura: that of a still life yet very much alive. The sound of the moving metal rods, like leaves caressed by the breeze, reinforces the organic spirit of the installation. tele-present wind is in fact a shifted representation of fluid dynamics, the main subject here being the observation of the movement of wind.

Kapelica Gallery
David Bowen

Narcissus (working title)


Residency Assets for Artists - MASS MoCA

Narcissus (working title) - This installation consists of a computer, a robotic arm with a camera attached and a mirror mounted to the wall. The computer is running a custom trained artificial intelligence object detection model at the same time it controls the movements of the robot. The AI model is trained to recognize the robot. The robot looks in the mirror with its camera attempting to recognize itself. If it does, the computer draws an annotation box around the image of the robot with the label of “me”. When the box is drawn, the robot moves in relation to where the box is located within its field of view. In this way, the robot is essentially looking for and attempting identify itself.

This project will be completed during an artist residency at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, MA, USA. And supported with fellowships from the Artist Communities Alliance and the McKnight Foundation.

David Bowen in Un-Script-It

23.10.2022 - 20.11.2022

Kunstraum LCC
Brooklyn, NY, USA

David Bowen’s work is concerned with aesthetics resulting from interactive, reactive and generative processes as they relate to the intersections between natural and mechanical systems. His installation 5twigs consists of five found twigs that were three-dimensionally scanned, printed in translucent plastic, and mounted with the original twig in opposition to its artificial counterpart. Bowen’s work is a collaboration between the natural form, the mechanism, and the artist.

David Bowen

Spacejunk in 1,000 miles per hour

15.09.2022 - 28.10.2022

Beeler Gallery
Columbus, Ohio (USA)

The 50 twigs in this installation point in unison in the direction of the oldest piece of spacejunk currently above the horizon in their location. The invisible network of forgotten debris being tracked are spent rocket bodies, parts from defunct satellites and wayward tools launched in missions as far back as 1958. Constantly circling the earth at over 17,000 miles per hour these unseen distant relics enter our physical space approximately every 90 minutes. With decaying orbits the debris rise and set in ever changing arcs. As if compelled by phototropism, the twigs collectively strive in unison bending toward these tiny, invisible, inert suns sweeping across the sky. When the debris being tracked drops below the horizon the twigs all go to a downward pointing position and await the rise of next orbiting fragment.

David Bowen - spacejunk
Beeler Gallery

Plant drone

04.06.2022 - 05.06.2022

Share Festival - Searchlight
Torino (IT)

This edition of the Festival brings new trends in tech art to Turin with exhibitions, conferences and performances.

David Bowen's plant drone is selected for the Share Prize.
A drone’s movements are determined by real-time variable resistance data collected from a live on-board plant. Data from each of the plant’s leaves determines the drone's left to right, forward to reverse and altitude movements. Essentially the plant is the pilot of the drone. An ultra-bright LED is mounted to the plant piloted drone. Using a camera with an open shutter on the ground to document the flight path enables the plant pilot to create long exposure drawings in the night sky.

Share Prize and Festival

plant bot (working title)


work in progress
Duluth, Minnesota (USA)

With plant bot (working title), David Bowen is creating a time based interactive art installation where the fates, a living plant and a computer are interdependent. Essentially the plant will train a computer using image recognition. Through this process the computer will learn to recognize when the plant needs water, light and food based on images it takes of the plant. If the plant appears healthy, the computer will maintain a regular water/food/light regiment. If the plant does not appear healthy to the computer it will attempt to aid the plant by adjusting to what it “thinks” the plant needs based on the images gathered. As the computer becomes more intelligent and hence more adept at caring for the plant, the plant will conceivably thrive and grow in proportion. If the computer is unsuccessful, conceivably the opposite will occur.

tele-present wind at Mois Multi 2022

09.02.2022 - 27.02.2022

Quebec (CA)

At first glance, tele-present wind (2018)  by David Bowen could be perceived as a plant-like oddity composed of 126 dried plant branches mounted on metal rods. This undulating symphony is actually orchestrated by the wind’s blow, the intensity of which is captured via anemometers located in Minnesota, USA. This reconstituted mini-forest, acting as the promise of a somewhat disturbing mechanical future, rises and sways in unison, giving the scene a strange aura: that of a still life yet very much alive. The sound of the moving metal rods, like leaves caressed by the breeze, reinforces the organic spirit of the installation. tele-present wind is in fact a shifted representation of fluid dynamics, the main subject here being the observation of the movement of wind.

Mois Multi
David Bowen

Piano is not Dead

15.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

Le Tetris
Le Havre (F)

cloud piano plays the keys of a piano based on the movements and shapes of the clouds. A camera pointed at the sky captures video of the clouds. Custom software uses the video of the clouds in real-time to articulate a robotic device that presses the corresponding keys on the piano. The system is set in motion to function as if the clouds are pressing the keys on the piano as they move across the sky and change shape. The resulting sound is generated from the unique key patterns created by ethereal forms that build, sweep, fluctuate and dissipate in the sky.

David Bowen - cloud piano
Le Tetris

Artifice Numérique #4: Végétalisons

19.11.2021 - 05.12.2021

Le Hublot
Nice (F)

growth rendering device
This system provides light and food in the form of hydroponic solution for the plant. The plant reacts to the device by growing. The device in-turn reacts to the plant by producing a rasterized inkjet drawing of the plant every twenty-four hours. After a new drawing is produced the system scrolls the roll of paper approximately four inches so a new drawing can be produced during the next cycle. The system runs indefinitely and the final outcome is not predetermined.

David Bowen - growth rendering device
Artifice Numérique

The Journey

09.10.2021 - 23.01.2022

Winona, Minnesota (USA)

David Bowen blends science, art, and data gathered from nature to create kinetic and robotic sculptures, made from natural and manufactured materials. Two large installations of kinetic sculptures will be exhibited at MMAM, based on collected sea floor and wave data Bowen recorded during a journey aboard the Schmitt Ocean Institute research vessel Falkor, which sailed from Portland, OR to Honolulu, HI in 2019. Bowen is an associate professor of Sculpture and Physical Computing at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.


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Tele-Present Wind at PRECTXE Festival

07.11.2020 - 13.12.2020

B39 Space
Seoul (ROK)

tele-present wind consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

The sensor is installed in an outdoor location adjacent to the Visualization and Digital Imaging Lab at the University of Minnesota. Thus the individual components of the installation moved in unison as they mimick the direction and intensity of the wind halfway around the world. As it monitored and collected real-time data from this remote and distant location, the system relayed a physical representation of the dynamic and fluid environmental conditions.

David Bowen
PRECTXE Festival
B39 Space

Tele-present wind at Maintenant Festival

02.10.2020 - 04.11.2020

Maintenant Festival
Le Pont des Arts, Rennes (F)

tele-present wind - This installation consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

Maintenant Festival
David Bowen

tele-present water in Writing the history of the future / The ZKM Collection

17.02.2020 - 28.03.2021

ZKM - Center for Art and Media
Karlsruhe (D)

tele-present water by David Bowen is part of the ZKM Collection and now semi-permanent on display in the exhibition Writing the History of the Future.

When artist David Bowen took a sailing trip on Lake Superior in Minnesota in 2010, he was fascinated by the waves’ movements against the boat and how quickly his body adapted to them. Even afterwards, with solid ground underfoot, he could still feel the water’s gentle motion. Bowen’s installation »tele-present water« attempts to recreate that effect of telepresence, the feeling of being present in a faraway place. 

In his piece, a fragile lattice from wooden rods hangs from transparent nylon threads, seemingly suspended in space. The threads connect the lattice to a set of parallel rods. These, in turn, are connected to poles that move the whole installation by means of seventeen motors. Like the arms of a puppeteer, the poles rise and fall, setting off wave-like motions in the grid of parallel rods and the wooden lattice below. 

tele-present water also links to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) buoy station 51003 in the Pacific, which records wave height and frequency data in real time and transmits it to the exhibition space. This means the installation’s movements correspond to actual information on Pacific Ocean waves. A computer translates the buoy’s data into mechanical movements for the wooden lattice to replicate. If the Pacific is calm, the installation moves in gentle waves, whereas stormy seas cause it to break into a wild dance. 

tele-present water is an installation that fuses nature and technology, as well as indoor and outdoor space. In doing so, it grapples with questions of immediacy and involvement in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Author: Julia Ihls

ZKM Collection
Writing the History of the Future

David Bowen - Tele-present wind in 'Plein Vent'

19.10.2019 - 30.11.2019

Halle aux Sucres
Dunkerque (F)

tele-present wind - 2018 - This installation consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

Halle aux Sucres
Projet COAL
David Bowen

Alternatives Interactions: Conference David Bowen at Scopitone 2019


Scopitone 2019
Nantes (FR)

Conference "Alternative Interactions" with David Bowen and Andreas Lutz at Scopitone 2019 about new interactions between humans, nature and new technologies.

Conference "Alternative Interactions"
David Bowen

David Bowen at Scopitone 2019

13.09.2019 - 22.09.2019

Scopitone 2019
Nantes (F)

tele-present wind, 2019 consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows, it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore, the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

Scopitone 2019
David Bowen

David Bowen at Saint-Ex Reims

10.10.2019 - 18.12.2019

Reims (F)

tele-present wind, 2019 consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows, it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore, the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

David Bowen

David Bowen - The other side

13.06.2019 - 30.11.2019

Plains Art Museum
Fargo, North Dakota (USA)

With rare exceptions, art objects are created to be experienced visually. The Other Four is an exhibition experience that negates the visually dominant art experience hierarchy by presenting artwork designed specifically to engage the other four senses. Visitors to The Other Four will be able to touch the other side of the world, listen to conversations in the walls of the museum, feel and react to life-like cellular signals through handheld mechanical devices, and listen to unique sounds emitted by each planet in our solar system. Curated by John Schuerman.

David Bowen, the other side
Once every week his installation creates a three-dimensional carving of the current ocean surface conditions and cloud formations on the opposite side of the earth from the location of the gallery space. Using satellite data from the Nasa Earth Observing Information System and the GPS coordinates of the gallery, the installation obtains a current image of an approximately six hundred square mile area on the opposite side of the earth from its location. Using custom software this image is converted into a three-dimensional model which is then carved in pink foam by a CNC machine hanging upside down in the gallery space. Every week a new carving is created and displayed on the gallery walls adjacent to the installation. Viewers are encouraged to touch the foam carvings giving them the ability to touch the opposite side of the earth during the exhibition.

Plains Art Museum
David Bowen

tele-present wind & 5twigs at EDEN PROJECT

15.06.2019 - 02.10.2019

Eden Project
Cornwall (UK)

The exhibition 'Artificial Creators: inspired by nature' brings together the creations of five artists inspired by nature that have been modified and co-produced by AI. Their work questions how we work with machines to establish new forms of relationship beyond the utilitarian and explores innovative ways of expression that produce new ways of seeing.
Curated by Blanca Pérez Ferrer, supported by Falmouth University.

tele-present wind - 2018 - This installation consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

5twigs - 2017 - This installation consists of 5 found twigs that were three dimensionally scanned and then printed in translucent plastic. Each original twig was then mounted in opposition to its artificial counterpart.


tele-present wind at New Media Gallery

21.06.2019 - 29.09.2019

New Media Gallery
Vancouver (CA)

tele-present wind - 2019 - This installation consists of a series of 84 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

New Media Gallery


27.03.2019 - 19.05.2019

Itau Cultural
São Paulo (BR)

cloud piano (2014) plays the keys of a piano based on the movements and shapes of the clouds. A camera pointed at the sky captures video of the clouds. Custom software uses the video of the clouds in real-time to articulate a robotic device that presses the corresponding keys on the piano. The system is set in motion to function as if the clouds are pressing the keys on the piano as they move across the sky and change shape. The resulting sound is generated from the unique key patterns created by ethereal forms that build, sweep, fluctuate and dissipate in the sky.


Data driven kinetic sculpture

02.11.2018 - 02.11.2018

KIKK Conferences - Species and beyond
Palais des congrès, Namur (B)

Using intersections between natural and mechanical systems, David Bowen produces unique relationships within his sculpture and installation. With robotics, custom software, sensors, tele-presence and data, he constructs devices and situations that are set in motion to interface with the physical and virtual world. The devices he constructs often play both the roles of observer and creator, providing limited and mechanical perspectives of dynamic situations and living systems. These devices and situations create a dissonance that leads to an incalculable changeable situation resulting in unpredictable outcomes. The phenomenological outputs are collaborations between the natural form or function, the mechanism and the artist.

KIKK Conferences

tele-present wind 2018

01.11.2018 - 04.11.2018

KIKK Festival - Species and Beyond
Namur (B)

tele-present wind, 2018 by David Bowen consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows, it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore, the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

KIKK Festival

flyAI at Przemiany Festival - ‘Civilization of Algorithms’

13.09.2018 - 16.09.2018

Copernicus Science Centre
Warsaw (PL)

FlyAI creates a situation where the fate of a colony of living houseflies is determined by the accuracy of artificial intelligence software. The installation uses the TensorFlow machine learning image recognition library to classify images of live houseflies. As the flies fly and land in front of a camera, their image is captured. The captured image is classified by the image recognition software and a list of guessed items is ranked 1 through 5. Each of the items is assigned a percentage based on how likely the software thinks that the listed item is what it sees. If “fly” is ranked number 1 on the list, a pump delivers water and nutrients to the colony based on the percentage of the ranking. If “fly” is not ranked number 1 the pump does not deliver water and nutrients to the colony. The system is setup to run indefinitely with an indeterminate outcome.

Przemiany Festival 2018

tele-present water in 1 2 3 DATA

03.05.2018 - 07.10.2018

La Fondation EDF
Paris (F)

tele-present water - 2011 draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. The wave intensity and frequency collected from the buoy is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure, resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant unknown location. This work physically replicates a remote experience and makes observation of the activity of an isolated object, otherwise lost at sea, possible through direct communication


David Bowen - what the work knows


McKnight Foundation

The publication 'what the work knows' was produced by the McKnight Foundation in conjunction with a McKnight Visual Artist Fellowship which David Bowen received in 2015.

Download pdf


16.01.2018 - 04.03.2018

Stream Capture - Minneapolis College of Art and Design Gallery,
Minneapolis (US)

5twigs consists of 5 found twigs that were three dimensionally scanned and then printed in translucent plastic. Each original twig was then mounted in opposition to its artificial counterpart.
24 leaves uses muscle wire to make each leaf subtly bend in unison when the viewer pushes a toggle switch.

David Bowen
Minneapolis College of Art and Design Gallery

PROTOTIPOAK 2018: tele-present wind (expanded)

30.05.2018 - 16.09.2018

Azkuna Zentroa

The expanded version of tele-present wind  by David Bowen consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore, the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

Tele-present water

15.12.2017 - 15.04.2018

Aesthetics of Change - MAK
Vienna (AT)

tele-present water  draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. Wave data is being collected and updated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data buoy station 51003. The wave intensity and frequency collected from the buoy is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure, resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant unknown location.

David Bowen

David Bowen - Biennale Némo

09.12.2017 - 04.03.2018

Le 104 - Les Faits du Hasard
Paris (F)

tele-present wind - 2011
This installation consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

Biennale Némo
Le Centquatre
David Bowen

David Bowen - infrared drawing device

07.10.2017 - 03.02.2018

Beall Center for Art + Technology
Los Angeles (USA)

infrared drawing device, 2003 by David Bowen uses four infrared sensors to detect people as they move in front of it. The sensors are programmed to move a drawing arm in real time creating a charcoal drawing based on a participants' movements.

Beall Center for Art + Technology

Ars Electronica 2017 - Artificial Intelligence - The Other I

07.09.2017 - 11.09.2017

Linz (AT)

David Bowen, flyAI - 2016
This installation creates a situation where the fate of a colony of living houseflies is determined by the accuracy of artificial-intelligence software.

Ars Electronica

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D'Days Paris

02.05.2017 - 14.05.2017

Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Paris (F)

'Submersion : Exploration en eaux profondes' with 46º41'58.365" lat. -91º59'49.0128" long. @ 30m  by David Bowen at D'Days, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris (F)


07.04.2017 - 14.08.2017

Dox, Centre for Contemporary Art
Prague (CZ)

tele-present water  by David Bowen is featured in Big Bang DataThis installation draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. 

DOX Prague
David Bowen


12.01.2017 - 09.04.2017

Telfair Museums, Jepson Center
Savannah (US)

water surface and 46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m  by David Bowen are included in Re-embodied: From Information to Sculpture a group exhibition at the Telfair Museum in Savannah (US).

Moths, Crabs, Fluids

22.10.2016 - 30.11.2016

WRO Art Center at Griffin Art Space
The Koszyki Hall, Warsaw (PL)

tele-present water draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. The wave intensity and frequency collected from the buoy is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure, resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant location. This work physically replicates a remote experience and makes observation of the activity of an isolated object possible through direct communication.

Griffin Art Space

WRO Art Center

David Bowen


20.09.2016 - 22.09.2016

ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Karlsruhe (D)

tele-present water by David Bowen is included in CODE-n at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (D)

Borders & Projections

12.10.2016 - 10.11.2016

Festival accès)s(
Pau (F)

landscape #1 and 46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m by David Bowen are on view in 'Borders & Projections', a group exhibition at Festival accès)s( in Pau (F).

Eco Expanded City

01.09.2016 - 31.10.2016

WRO Center
Koszyki Hall, Warsaw (PL)

Eco Expanded City is an exhibition-cum-workshop project, combining a series of shows and events, exploring imagined and real, past, historical and potential relationships among society, art, nature and technology as they are rendered in artistic and design practices, revealing their mutual interpenetrations and interdependences.

telepresent water by David Bowen is featured in Eco Expanded City, a group exhibition organized by WRO Center and taking place at Koszyki Hall, Warsaw.

Power to change - 20th Anniversary Japan Media Arts Festival

15.10.2016 - 06.11.2016

Japan Media Arts Festival
3331Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo (JP)

David Bowen - growth modeling device - 2009
This system uses lasers to scan an onion plant from one of three angles. As the plant is scanned a fuse deposition modeler in real-time creates a plastic model based on the information collected. The device repeats this process every twenty-four hours scanning from a different angle. After a new model is produced the system advances a conveyor approximately 17 inches so the cycle can repeat. The result is a series of plastic models illustrating the growth of the plant from three different angles. 

Japan Media Arts Festival - 20th Anniversary Exhibition

MU - 'Weather or Not' group exhibition

01.07.2016 - 25.09.2016

Torenallee 40-06 (Strijp-S), Eindhoven (NL)

Sun, wind and rain enter the exhibition space in unexpected, poetic ways. Measurements and weather in uences are translated into images, movement and sound. The weather becomes something more personal, more tangible. As our amazement grows, so does the feeling of human insigni dance versus the complexity and unpredictability of the climate system: we set things in motion but we clearly can’t oversee the consequences. Meanwhile, come rain or shine, MU continues to keep a weather eye on any relevant developments!

Weather or Not

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David Bowen at The Mattress Factory

20.05.2016 - 12.02.2017

The Mattress Factory Museum of Contemporary Art
Factory Installed @ 1414 Monterey Street, Pittsburgh (US)

The twigs in the SPACEJUNK installation by David Bowen point in unison in the direction of the oldest piece of human made space debris currently above the horizon. The debris being tracked are spent rocket bodies, parts from broken satellites and wayward tools launched in missions as far back as 1959. When the piece of debris being tracked drops below the installation’s horizon the twigs go to a rested downward pointing position an await the next debris to appear. The composition of the installation is continually changing as it tracks the oldest discarded objects orbiting the earth that enter its point of view.

The Mattress Factory

New Acquisition: tele-present water


Karlsruhe (D)

ZKM acquired the installation tele-present water by David Bowen for the permanent collection.

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46°41'58.365" LAT. -91°59'49.0128" LONG. @ 30M

17.02.2016 - 02.04.2016

Toronto (CA)

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m by David Bowen refers to the source location where the water surface data was collected for this series. An autonomous aerial vehicle hovering 30 meters above the surface of Lake Superior scanned the water. For this series of five, the vehicle was deployed to the same location on different days and in different weather conditions. The collected data was used to carve a series of cylindrical three-dimensional models in clear acrylic with a CNC router. This process captured the dynamic movements of the waves and ripples from a specific time and location and suspended this ever-changing water pattern into a static transparent form.


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08.10.2015 - 18.10.2015

Brussels (B)


Media Arts Exhibition

Digital or analog? New or old technologies? How does the medium affect the way reality is perceived and represented ? How do we want to perceive reality or how can we? Real and virtual reality, facts and fiction are today inseparable. There are unlimited possibilities for the creation of images. Within the context of art and technology we re-examine the essence of representation and perception, and this by means of creating immersive , interactive and kinetic works. The selected installations approach in different ways the relationships between registration and medium, projection and content, perception and interpretation.



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14.03.2015 - 24.05.2015


This installation, tele-present water by David Bowen draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. The wave intensity and frequency collected from a buoy is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure, resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant unknown location. This work physically replicates a remote experience and makes observation of the activity of an isolated object, otherwise lost at sea, possible through direct communication.

Fundación Telefonica / Big Bang Data

46°41'58.365" LAT. -91°59'49.0128" LONG. @ 30M

02.01.2015 - 31.01.2016

Beyond the Buzz, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minneapolis (US)

46°41'58.365" lat. -91°59'49.0128" long. @ 30m by David Bowen refers to the source location where the water surface data was collected for this series. An autonomous aerial vehicle hovering 30 meters above the surface of Lake Superior scanned the water. For this series of five, the vehicle was deployed to the same location on different days and in different weather conditions. The collected data was used to carve a series of cylindrical three-dimensional models in clear acrylic with a CNC router. This process captured the dynamic movements of the waves and ripples from a specific time and location and suspended this ever-changing water pattern into a static transparent form.

Beyond The Buzz

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